Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Heidi Went Home

Celebrating our 38th anniversary; dinner at Old Faithful Inn
Heidi flew home from Bozeman on August 15th, about a month early. She never got her work and work schedule to a manageable point. The draw of getting back to Washington became the tipping point when Gigi, our second granddaughter, was born a month ago. I have fishing to keep me here through to the end of the season. She didn’t.

We enjoyed exploring Yellowstone’s surroundings in the two and a half months she was out here. Cody; Cooke City; Jackson Hole; Bozeman; West Yellowstone. And, the Park itself. Lamar Valley; Yellowstone Lake; evenings on the geyser basins.

The kitchen at Old Faithful Inn will do just fine without her. I am not so sure about myself. A new roommate will probably be assigned to share my dorm room for the balance of the season.

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